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Werkstatt / Service
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  • Repair time / waiting time: Depending on the repair, one to three days
  • Pick-up service
  • Delivery service
  • On-site service
  • Rental bike / spare bike

Description Bicycle workshop

"der Radler" in the main station on platform 11 is a project by BauHaus Werkstätten Wiesbaden (BWW). On behalf of the state capital Wiesbaden, BWW qualifies and employs unemployed young people and adults and supports their integration into the world of work.
As part of employment measures under SGB II and SGB XII, the "der Radler" bicycle station offers participants the opportunity to contribute and expand their professional skills in a practical environment. Participants are employed and qualified in the field of bicycle mechanics and can also expand their skills in the areas of customer advice and support.

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Properties Bicycle workshop "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

  • New bikes
  • Used bicycles

  • service
  • rent a bycicle
  • Guided bike tours

  • Repair time / waiting time: Depending on the repair, one to three days
  • Rental bike / spare bike
  • Pick-up service
  • Delivery service
  • On-site service
  • assembles mail order bikes
  • repairs recumbent bikes and special bikes
  • Used bicycle
  • Miscellaneous

  • Make an appointment by phone
  • Make an appointment by email
  • Come by without an appointment
  • Online appointment scheduling

  • Software update and diagnostics:

  • ergonomics
  • Air filling station
  • Hose machine
  • Do your own repair before charging
  • Bikeomat

Location Bicycle workshop

Route planner


    The operator of this Bicycle workshop entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 50.070293
    • Longitude : 8.243891

    Route planner Contact

    Photos Bicycle workshop "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

    Fahrradwerkstatt: "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11 Fahrradwerkstatt: "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

    Photo Gallery Bicycle workshop

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    Fahrradwerkstatt: "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

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    Fahrradwerkstatt: "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11


    Overall impression 4,8
    friendliness 5,0
    Expertise 5,0
    Price-performance ratio 5,0
    Workshop / Service 5,0
    Accessories / Range 5,0
    Repair time / waiting time 5,0
    Recommendation 5,0

    Bicycle workshop "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11 rate now

    Bicycle workshop reviews 3

    4,4 / 5

    140 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Ebike, Reifenwechsel

    Ich bin total überzeugt und Ihnen so Dankbar. Meine Eltern haben mein Rad bei Euch hingebracht und es wurden bessere Reifen eingebaut und am Rad ausgebessert, es flitzt und bin überglücklich. HERZLICHEN DANK

    Melanie S. visited "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11 in März 2022 .

    Overall impression


    Heute mit Platten zum Radler in WI. Erwartung, Fahrrad abgeben und morgen oder übermorgen wieder abholen. Überraschung, sofortige Annahme, sofort Reparatur, freundliche Erklärung mit Beweisstück, Hinweis auf zu erwartende Erneuerung des Reifens, fairer Preis. Nach 12 Min saß ich wieder auf dem Rad.
    Vielen Dank!!!

    Jens C. visited "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11 in Februar 2021 .

    Non-binding inquiry to "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

    I have read the data protection declaration .


    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day closed all day

    Popular Fahrradwerkstätten


    Premium Fahrradwerkstätten with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

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    All information about Bicycle workshop "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11 is without guarantee

    Public questions and answers about "der Radler" - die Fahrradstation am Gleis 11

    Here you will find general questions and answers about the bicycle workshop entry. Ask a question if you have a public, general concern that might also be of interest to other visitors.

    Click here to ask an individual question to the bicycle workshop entry .

    I have read the data protection declaration .


    Note: Please note, public questions are visible to all visitors .

    Click here to ask an individual question to the bicycle workshop entry .

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