Repair time / waiting time: Small repairs immediately. For larger repairs, an appointment is made within one to two weeks, with the subsequent repair taking 24 hours.
Repair time / waiting time: Most of the time it is not possible to clarify in advance what needs to be repaired, so you have to check it first, then we will call you back or send you an email and clarify everything else; we can also plan standard repairs precisely
Repair time / waiting time: We usually need one to two days to process your inspection. We usually replace tires and tubes within one to two hours, so you can get back on the road quickly.
Repair time / waiting time: Small repairs immediately. Large repairs and customer services take about 1 week to complete. The bike can be brought in at the agreed time.
Repair time / waiting time: Please arrange repair appointments by calling 089 44718116! This is the quickest way. An appointment helps us to plan better and you, because you get your repaired bike back more quickly. In the summer months, waiting times are unavoidable.
Repair time / waiting time: Usually only by appointment. We sometimes include small repairs (changing hoses, etc.). We have limited space and try to carry out all repairs quickly. It is also important to us to agree on spare parts beforehand.
In times of high petrol prices and congested inner cities, some people are considering a cargo bike, also because there is financial support for it....