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What do the cities of Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Groningen and Münster have in common?

What do the cities of Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Groningen and Münster have in common? - Reparadius
Murat Can Kirmizigül/Shutterstock.com

These cities are extremely bicycle-friendly and have increased the share of bicycles in road traffic to up to 30%. In Münster, bicycles even overtake motorized private transport by up to 10%.

The winner is definitely the city of Copenhagen. Copenhagen is the city with the most cyclists in the entire world. All Copenhageners together cycle 1.4 million kilometers every day .

The Copenhagen government is proud to have taken the transport transition a big step forward and is thus fulfilling another point of the Scandinavian climate protection program. Mobility by bike or on foot can save up to 147g of greenhouse gas emissions per passenger kilometer traveled compared to cars.

If Copenhagen continues to pedal like this, a good 37 million tonnes of CO2 can be saved by 2030.

There is now even a term for this positive example: “copenhagenize”. It means: “Do what the people of Copenhagen do - ride a bike!”

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