Hello everyone,
Does anyone know this situation? You buy a bike in a bike shop, move to a new location and can't find a workshop that will repair the bike. The trend is that more and more bike sellers are telling potential new customers that they only repair bikes that were bought in their shop . We ask ourselves, isn't every new customer also an opportunity to sell a new bike in the foreseeable future? We want to counteract this trend and are counting on your cooperation.
So we ask you: Can you please tell us which workshops are listed on our site that do not repair third-party bikes (not purchased from them) ? Which workshops are there that we have not listed and that repair third-party bikes ? What can we improve or make more transparent in terms of information that might be of interest to everyone? You can also exchange ideas with each other using the questions/answers functionality in each workshop entry.
Based on your feedback, we will approach the workshops and remove or integrate them if necessary.
We want to help you,
your reparadius team !
Emails to info@reparadius.de !